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Self-driving cars

Ben Evans said the following in his latest newsletter about self-driving cars. "There was a period five years ago when it looked like machine learning might mean we could have fully autonomous cars pretty soon, but the last 20% turned out to be 80% of the work and we're in something of a winter now."

Mobility has huge potential. At the beginning of the year, Elon Musk said that if Tesla cracks the self-driving conundrum, they will be able to do an overnight software update which will convert most of the existing fleet into self-driving vehicles. He said if that happens, it could result in the biggest increase in value for an asset in history.

But as Ben says above, it has been very tough to perfect. Of course, Tesla is not the only one working on this. Uber recently announced a partnership with Waymo (Google-funded) to bring their self-driving technology to the Uber network.

I do believe the code will be cracked soon and our grandchildren will be baffled when we tell them stories of how we used to drive our own cars around. Times were tough!

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