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Gaming Is 70% Of The App Store

As an avid gamer, when I think of "video games", the first thing that comes to mind, is a PC or game console like my Playstation 5 or an Xbox. However, smartphones and tablets are the dominant platforms as more players frequent the mobile versions of all games.

My favourite game developer, Respawn, recently launched a mobile game version of their best-selling title Apex Legends to capitalise on the fact that more people play on mobile. Apex Legends has over 130 million monthly active users. It previously had only 10 million daily active users across platforms, with the new mobile version out, that number has grown to 40 million.

According to Statista, the app stores of Google and Apple made over $90 billion in gross revenues from games in 2021 alone. In Apple's case, that's 70% of all app store revenues. The infographic below shows which devices people regularly use to play video games.

Infographic: Smartphones Rule Gaming | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

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