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Visa Partners With 50 Crypto Firms

In my very humble opinion, the primary use-case for cryptocurrencies will be to make transacting easier. Not to speculate, trade and hopefully become rich. That is why we prefer to hold companies like Visa and PayPal that make the movement of money more efficient.

Both Visa and PayPal have opened up their networks to crypto transactions. Yesterday Visa gave us some updates on how that is going. In the first half of 2021 over $1 billion worth of cryptocurrency was transacted on Visa cards.

Visa are also partnering with over 50 crypto firms, including Coinbase, to allow users to convert and spend their crypto holdings. As Paul said to our team, this will enable merchants to immediately convert crypto to fiat after a transaction, which is the most sensible thing to do. Imagine selling your product in crypto then the currency drops 10% the next day.

Based on risk tolerance and the understanding of an investment, our thesis remains the same. The world of payments will be shaken up, but it's best to buy Visa and PayPal if you want to benefit from that.

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