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Amazon Healthcare

Yesterday I wrote about Amazon and its ability to grow successful businesses fast by targeting their huge client base. Here is an example of a business they are building using their own large workforce instead. Amazon is launching its medical care business for its employees and other companies across the US.

I have long been a fan of remote healthcare. Who wants to go to a doctors room full of germs and expired magazines to wait for half an hour whilst filling in numerous forms? A virtual consultation is a huge win for everyone in most cases.

Amazon Care already serves Amazon's staff of over 1 million persons, and now the telehealth service is becoming available for people who don't work for the company.

Healthcare in the US is ripe for disruption. It's no secret that their system is more expensive than most other developed countries. As Bezos famously said, your margin is our opportunity. Let's hope Amazon can bring down the price of healthcare in the US and around the world.

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