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Nvidia's New A100 Chip

Nvidia started off predominantly as a gaming company. In recent times their data centre business has grown so fast its revenues are nearly as big as the gaming business. This Forbes article titled, Nvidia Aims to Change the Computing World With New A100 Line, suggests that the global data centre chip market could be as big as $15.64bn by 2025. That is more than double the 2017 number.

As we know, Nvidia has not only been growing their data centre business organically but they have also made a few acquisitions in that area. The article talks about Nvidia's early focus on artificial intelligence within the data centres which takes up the most intensive computational workload. This has been very successful.

But at the latest Nvidia GTC event they introduced the A100 which has broader capabilities in data processing - targeting an area where Intel CPUs have dominated. The chip has the capability for both AI and extra support features at much faster speeds.

Maribel Lopez who wrote the Forbes article seems to think this could change the world of computing, making processing much faster than ever before. On top of that, Nvidia is creating platforms to simplify the complicated machine learning pipelines.

I know this all sounds very complicated and it is. But what is simple to understand is that as we move more and more online, the ability to process data quickly and efficiently becomes increasingly important. Amazon Web Services were boasting about the Zoom platform being built on their cloud infrastructure. Chips like the A100 are the brains behind that infrastructure.

The article suggests that Nvidia are a step ahead of all their competitors which has been the case for a while now. I am very excited about the prospects of Nvidia despite the share price being at all time highs.

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