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Model Y Coming in mid-2020

The Tesla Model Y prototypes have been spotted at the Tesla head office in the West Coast. The Model Y is a crossover version of the Model 3 and funny enough both cars share about 70% of the same parts. What the two cars are going to have in common is the high demand, thanks to their price point and affordability.

The Model Y battery pack can do up to 300 miles in terms of range, and the company is going to be conducting numerous tests in California's public roads. The Model Y is going to be a bit smaller than Tesla's current 7- seat interior SUV the Model X. Think of the Porsche Cayenne and the Porche Macan when it comes to size comparison.

Elon Musk, expects to start the production of the Model Y by mid-2020, which means the design team has a few months to finalise the look in order for the production team to hit the ground running. Below is the picture of the Model Y prototypes next to the Model X.

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