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Tesla and Earth Day

Yesterday was Earth Day, an annual event created to support environmental protection. I know this may sound hipster or greenie or millennial, but the truth is, this is one of the biggest challenges we face today so it needs to be taken seriously. What can we do as investors to try and support and benefit from this movement?

The clear go-to at this stage is to buy Tesla shares. To coincide with earth day Tesla released their first ever Impact Report. They have some amazing data in there, I suggest you at-least browse through it.

So far over 550 000 Tesla Vehicles have been sold. They have driven over 10 billion miles, saving 4 million metric tons in CO2. Remember electric vehicles create a lot less CO2, even when charged by coal or oil powered electricity.

As of February 2019 Tesla has installed 3.5 Gigawatts. According to some quick Googling, that is nearly enough to power South Africa (around 4.2 Gigawatts). Please correct me if I am wrong.

We know Tesla is volatile and we only suggest a small holding in your account. This will limit your downside but you will still have the potential upside of what could become one of the biggest businesses on the planet. Plus you can feel good about yourself when Earth Day comes around.

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