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Alphabets 2018 Research Overview

How are those New Year resolutions coming along? Part of setting goals is to see what we have already accomplished. Last week Google wrote about their research achievements last year, Looking Back at Google's Research Efforts in 2018

It is fascinating to see what the company is doing. One of their projects is to use AI to help the Indian government develop a flood warning system. While watching the video of the work they are doing, it makes you proud to be an Alphabet shareholder.

When reading the long list of research areas covered last year, I learnt about their Tensor processing units, which are used in Artificial Intelligence. Google owns the intellectual property of these chips, which in the future could generate significant profits. The TPU's are similar to Nvidia's GPUs, with the variant of being quicker but less accurate at doing AI processing.

They also talk about their research into quantum computing, and how AI can greatly assist in the medical field when it comes to detecting issues. Give the article a scan and watch some of the videos.

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