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Alphabet launches first driverless car service

Alphabet (Google) makes so much money that they have the luxury of creating a completely separate division which allows very smart people to invent cool things. One day, one of those inventions is going to make it big. These inventions are trying to solve problems so it will most likely improve our lives at the same time.

Driverless cars are going to be a thing. In my mind, a very big thing. If not the norm in a few decades. But who will pioneer and benefit from the revolution? There is certainly room for more than one player.

To link back to my first paragraph, Waymo (owned by Alphabet) is to start the first commercial driverless car service next month. According to this Bloomberg article, the company will operate under a completely new name, which is currently a secret. It is incredibly exciting. Being a Google shareholder is great. This may work and become massive. Or it may not and life will go on for the company. Low risk, High reward. Nice to have so much cash.

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