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Curro adds number 41

Curro stands still for nobody. The independently listed schools business have acquired St Dominic's in Newcastle for an undisclosed sum, the school is all of 123 years old. The company is now half way to their 80 school target by 2020, currently they are at 41, so less than 7 schools a year from here. Curro are going to inject some money into the school, raising the pupil numbers by 340 to 900 eventually. They will build a heated pool, have an Astro Turf and other sports facilities. Going like gangbusters. Michael attended a Free Market Foundation speech by Loane Sharpe the other day and Loane had said that the cheaper private school enrolments last year had increased 27 odd percent (somewhere around there) and government enrolment down 6 percent. Parents are voting with their feet. Remembering that in 2013 (from a Curro results presentation) that only 4 percent of overall pupils attend private institutions. And of those folks attending those schools, around 5 percent of them attend private schools owned by Curro, there is certainly HUGE room for growth.

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