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Netflix in Numbers 2020

Sticking to today's theme of streaming giants doing amazing things in 2020, Nielsen published a report titled Tops of 2020: Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped. It is a cool report on what people were binge-watching the most last year.

They mention that 2020 has been a truly transitional year for video streaming with hyper news cycle on the Covid pandemic, working from home and the lack of sports, all forcing people to look for an escape. This pushed video streaming to account for a much larger share of overall media consumption.

Streaming platforms became very popular with content-hungry consumers. Well-advertised originals like Ozark, The Boys, and The Mandalorian grabbed much of the spotlight. The winning trade was to get people talking about one amazing show, watch it and then have return business as they familiarise themselves with your library.

Below is an infographic showing time spent binge watching these shows. Notice how Netflix dominates. I mean all these shows are JUST ON NETFLIX!

Infographic: In Times of Crisis, Americans Binged You will find more infographics at Statista

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