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Shopping on Instagram

Facebook has been receiving some bad press lately. But we should not forget what a powerful tool it is. We must also not forget that it owns Instagram and Whatsapp. I came across this article titled Instagram will now let you buy products directly inside the app. It talks about a new functionality whereby you are not redirected to the sellers website. Instagram has partnered with Paypal and will keep a small cut of each sale.

This could be a huge money spinner. Instagram is very visual and materialistic. People actually like to see pictures of things they may want to buy. It is like those glamour magazines where the adverts are as entertaining as the features.

The process of purchasing goods used to be very balky. You would get redirected to the retailer's website which most likely has none of your details. If you purchase through Instagram, you don't have to re-add your address and credit card details. The process will be made seamless. Good news for Instagram, bad news for your credit card.

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