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L'Oreal growing in China

The way people look has always been extremely important in human history. It is engraved in our psyche. With the likes of social media, people take the way they look even more seriously. I know there are negative connotations to an image oriented world but I am afraid that is the way the world is.

The silver lining to this trend is that people look after themselves. In my opinion looking healthy is often more attractive than natural good looks. This can be achieved by simply looking after yourself, eating well and exercising. The long-term effect is that people are more productive and live longer.

That brings me to beauty products. They are the ultimate soft luxury. Not only can they enhance your looks but they also promise to maintain them for longer. Most of these companies spend more money telling you how well the product works than actually producing the good. None the less, it is a growing trend and Vestact is invested alongside it with L'Oreal.

According to the Wall Street Journal, this trend is exploding in China where annual sales reached $33bn in 2017. We expect this trend to continue alongside urbanisation and growing middle classes.

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