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MTN fine changed again

I seriously cannot believe it. I was taken to task by a reader for being condescending towards Nigeria in my observations over the weeks. I shall publish it, once I have the permission of the person that wrote the piece back to me. My point to them was that I bat for capital and individuals, not for government, not for organisations. And capital changes lives, for the better. Are normal Chinese peoples lives better as a result of liberalisations in the economy or were they better under the communist great leaps forward? You know the answer. Here comes the part I seriously cannot believe, a day after receiving the first letter:

"Late on 3 December 2015, the day after receipt of the First Letter, the Company received a further letter from the NCC dated 3 December 2015 (the Second Letter). The Second Letter, which was stated to supersede the First Letter, informed the Company that the fine had actually been reduced by 25% to 780 Billion Naira and not by 35% to 674 Billion Naira, as was stated in the First Letter. The payment date remained 31 December 2015."

Michael made a simple point, how would you react if this was a private company? This unfortunately proves my point, this is not really a professional process, it seems borderline like the Goon Show, or Monty Python, flopping around. And what makes it even more interesting is that the release says the following: "Neither the First Letter nor the Second Letter sets out any details on how the reduction was determined." Amazing. I will get permission to publish the interaction, and then you can judge whether or not I am condescending. I love people, I wish them only good things, I wish everyone was rich and had access to the internet, and of course that includes all the citizens of Nigeria. I just cannot see the merit in an overhanded approach, for future capex.

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