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Apple Day

It was all about Apple yesterday. The share price reached a record high, leading into the announcement for its new VR headset. This is the first new product category launched under Tim Cook. In the presentation, Cook spoke about how the Mac pioneered computing to the household, the iPhone made things mobile and now the Vision Pro introduces spacial-computing.

Apple's Vision Pro takes VR headsets to the next level, and comes with a hefty $3 500 price tag. Apple is marketing the device as a computer, with the recognisable Appstore functionality. It also doesn't require hand devices for control, like competitor versions. Instead, it uses six cameras to monitor your hand and eye movements, allowing for navigation.

To make the user feel more part of their environment, the headset's display lightens when someone else is nearby, allowing others to see the user's eyes. Demonstrating a seamless environment integration. The launch video showed someone walking and opening the fridge while wearing the Vision Pro.

The new device will only go on sale next year. Apple is already working on the next version, which they plan to make cheaper. This is a typical Apple play - wait for others to introduce a new product category; learn from their mistakes and introduce a significantly better premium version; then make it cheaper overtime to keep market share.

Apple has done a great job creating a product that is more than a just a gimmick for watching 3D videos. I could see myself wearing one of these.

You can watch the launch video - here.

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